is celebrated by the Christians, the annual
festival of Christ's birth. Christmas Day falls
on December 25.
The exact day of the Christ child's birth has
never been pinpointed. Traditions say that it
has been celebrated since the year 98 AD. In
137 AD the Bishop of Rome ordered the birthday
of the Christ Child celebrated as a solemn
feast. In 350 AD Bishop of Rome, Julius I, choose
December 25th as the observance of Christmas,
since early times, celebrated the winter solstice
and the coming of spring at this time.
The history of Christmas dates back over 4000
years. Many of our Christmas traditions were
celebrated centuries before the Christ child
was born. The 12 days
of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log,
the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades) with
floats, carolers who sing while going from house
to house, the holiday feasts, and the church
processions can all be traced back to the early
of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian
celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians
believed in many gods, and as their chief god
- Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was
believed that Marduk would do battle with the
monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle
the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New
Year. This was Zagmuk, the New Year's festival
that lasted for 12 days.
The pagan festival most closely associated with
the new Christmas was the Roman Saturnalia,
which honored the god of the harvest, Saturn,
on December 19 and was marked by seven days
of riotous merrymaking and feasting. At the
same time in northern Europe a similar winter
festival known as Yule was celebrated in which
giant logs, trimmed with greenery and ribbons,
were burnt in honor of the gods and to encourage
the sun to shine more brightly.
incorporated these elements, the Christian Church
subsequently added, in the middle Ages, the
Nativity crib and
Christmas carols
to its customs. By this time lavish feasting
was the highlight of the festivities with large
quantities of food, including a decorated boar's
head, ceremoniously consumed over eight or nine
hours by rich and poor alike. All this came
to an abrupt end in Britain at least when in
1652 the Puritans banned Christmas, a move followed
in Massachusetts seven years later. Although
Christmas returned to England in 1660 with Charles
II, the rituals all but died out until revived
in Victorian times.
Christmas as we know it today is thus a 19th-century
invention. The decorated
Christmas tree, common in German countries
for centuries, was introduced to Britain by
Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's Consort.
Carols were revived and many new ones
written, often to traditional melodies.
The custom of carol-singing,
although with ancient origins, dates mainly
from the 19th century.
were invented in the late 19th century
by an enterprising English baker, Tom Smith,
who, by 1900, was selling 13 million worldwide
each year, and Christmas
cards only became commonplace in the
1870s, although the first one was produced in
London in 1846. The familiar image of Santa
Claus, complete with sled, reindeers,
and sack of toys,
is an American invention which first appeared
in a drawing by Thomas Nast in Harper's Magazine
in 1868, although the legend of Father Christmas
is ancient and complex, being partly derived
from St Nicholas and a jovial medieval figure,
the spirit of Christmas”.
In Russia, he traditionally carries a pink piglet
under his arm.
Today, Christmas is as much a secular festival
as a religious one. It is a time of great commercial
activity and for present-giving,
family reunions
and, in English-speaking countries, a “traditional”
Christmas meal
of turkey or goose, Christmas
cakes, Christmas
pudding, and mince
pies. Midnight mass is celebrated in
churches and cathedrals in the West. In many
countries, including Germany, the custom of
lighting the tree, singing carols around it,
and opening presents is celebrated on December
24, Christmas Eve.
Many stories are being told in regards of the
legend of Santa Claus. One of the stories tells
about a young pastor named Nicholas. He acquired
a fortune when his parents died when he was
still in his teens. He loved the Lord and also
cared deeply for the poor. He brought gifts,
money and other useful items to the houses of
the poor. He did this at night, and in secrecy,
as not to draw attention to him, as he wanted
no glory.
The image of Santa Claus, or likewise characters
became popular in North America in the 19th
century and was adopted through the years in
other countries around the world. The
original Santa's image was created by a political
cartoonist and illustrator by the name of Thomas
Nast. Other countries changed the icon
somewhat to suit their own customs and culture.
In German speaking countries in Europe, he is
known as Saint Nikolaus, in France, Père
Noël. He represents a kind old gentleman
with white beard and red suit with trimmed fur.
He travels throughout the country side on Christmas
Eve to deliver present for the children and
grown ups. Père Noël in France has
some competition with Aunt Airie, a fairy tale
who wears a cape and travels on a donkey, and
also gives gifts on Christmas Eve.
Scandinavia has a superstition, it is widely
believed that little, tiny magical figures called
"Nisse", live in cellars and attics
in every household. These magical figures are
suppose to bring good luck. Now, with the growing
popularity of Santa and other gift-bringers,
they decided to outfit the nisse with a red
suit and gave them a white beard and called
them "Julenisse" and made them Santa's
Helpers. In Norway and Denmark the Julenisse
goes from door to door on Christmas Eve and
bring presents. In Sweden, a similar magical
gnome named "Jultomten" brings the
gifts each Christmas.
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