ADHA or Eid ul Adhu or Bakrid
5th October 2014
adha or Eid ul Adhu, the Festival of Sacrifice, Sacrifice
Feast, is celebrated on the tenth day of the Islamic
month of Dhul Hijja. Eid ul-Adha is always on the same
day of the Islamic calendar and the date on the Gregorian
calendar varies every year as the Islamic calendar is
a lunar calender and the Gregorian calendar is a solar
Edul adha is also known as Tabaski, Eyd-e Qorban, Kurban
Bayrami (in Turkey), Qurbani Eid, Bakr-Id (in Bangladesh,
Pakistan and India), Hari Raya Haji, Hari Raya (in Singapore,
Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines).
The following are the dates for the coming years as
per the Gregorian calendar. Like other Islamic holidays
it may fall on one of two different Gregorian dates
in different parts of the world, due to the fact that
the boundary of crescent visibility is different from
the International date line.
2006: January 10; also, December 31
2007: December 20
2008: December 8
2009: November 28
2010: November 17
2011: November 7
The major activities of the festival are Prayer, Sacrificing
a Goat/Sheep, Eating with Family and Friends. The meat
of the Sacrificing a goat is distributed amongst neighbours,
relatives, and the poor and hungry. The regular charitable
practices of the Muslim community are demonstrated during
Eid ul-Adha also by the concerted efforts and see that
no impoverished Muslim is left without sacrificial food
during this day. |
is Most Great !! All praise is for Allah alone!" |
Hajj consists of several ceremonies, meant to
symbolize the essential concepts of the Islamic
faith, and to commemorate the trials of prophet
Abraham and his family. Prophet Muhammad had said
that a person who performs Hajj properly will
return as a newly born baby free of all sins. |
is the dream of every Muslim to go on a Hajj
at least once during his or her lifetime,
as it is one of a Muslim's duties, as described
in the Five Pillars of Islam. All over the
world, countless millions of Muslims, men
and women, have made the pilgrimage to Makkah,
(Mecca) in Saudi Arabia the birthplace of
Islam. Followers of Islam who cannot go on
a Hajj because of ill health or lack of money
are excused from the obligation.
Ihram is the
first step of preparation for the Hajj. This
is a spiritual state of purity during which
the person must not quarrel, commit any act
of violence or engage in sexual activity.
It is very important the strict adherence
of all rites and customs. The pilgrim should
repeat the Talbiyah (Talbeeyah) prayer the
English translation of which is given below:
“………..Here I am, O
God, at Thy Command! Here I am at Thy Command!
Thou art without associate; here I am at Thy
Command! Thine are praise and grace and dominion!
Thou art without associate."
The Feast of Sacrifice or Day of Sacrifice.
“…Muslims worldwide gather for
communal prayers on the first day of Id al-Adha
(Eid-ul-Adha) -- the Feast of Sacrifice or
Day of Sacrifice. The first day of this celebration
is held on the 10th day of Duhl-Hijja, the
last month of the Muslim year. This is the
second of the two major Muslim annual holidays.
In most areas, this event is celebrated over
several days…”
About 2 million Muslims perform the hajj every
year, and this number seems to be fairly close
to the maximum. Saudi authorities have now
put regulations on how many can come from
each country, so that anyone who wants to
perform the hajj has to apply, and many are
turned down.
In Kerala
Bakrid is also known as Idul-Azha or the festival
of sacrifice, is the second of the two festivals
of Islam. Muslims observe this festival all
over the world. It falls on the 10th of Dhul-Hagg,
the last month of the lunar year. It is celebrated
in commemoration of Abraham's willingness to
offer his only son as a sacrifice at God's command.
In Kerala, as in other parts of the world, Bakrid
is the day a dawn with the resounding of Thakhir
(Allahu Akbar), the declaration that the God
is great. In every Muslim house Men, women and
children, dressed preferably white in colour
and recite the Thakbir. Then assemble, Id-Gah,
which is a wide-open space, for public prayers.
The whole atmosphere is filled with the resonance
of "Allahu-Akbar". After the ceremonial
Id prayer, the leader addresses the devotees.The
gathering exchange greetings and as an ex-pression
of affectionate brotherhood, hug each other.
In Kerala Bakrid is the special occasion for
meeting the distinguished members of sister
communities and this helps to maintain the brotherly
relationship amongst the members of various
communities. Keralites maintain very healthy
and cordial communal relations. |
Sending greeting cards is very popular now for
Eidul Fitr (at
the End of Ramadan) and Edul
adha(at the end of Hajj). There are many
kind of greeting cards available in the market
with the perfect blend of authentic Arab and
Islamic art traditions and mixing with modern
colors and production techniques. It will enhance
the beauty of greetings and will be treasured
by the recipients for a long time to come. Cards
with different captions and wordings are available
to suit each occasion like Eid
Mubarak means "Have a blessed holiday".
All the cards With the word "Eid"
are appropriate for any Islamic holidays, such
as end of Ramadan, Adha, Qurbani, etc. E- cards,
cards with music CD are available on online
also. |
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