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EQ (emotional quotient) tests became prominent recently, after a century of dominance by the IQ (intelligence quotient) test. The IQ is used to measure the mental ability of a person for specific purposes by specific IQ tests. The tests are mainly classified as bellow:
  • Verbal ability
  • Numerical ability
  • Visual- Spatial ability
  • Logical reasoning
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Technical skills

As we gradually unlock the secrets of the mind, we have come to realize that the mental capacity stored in the brain is as vast as the oceans: it can express emotions and convey meaning, think in abstract terms.

The limitations of the traditional IQ test are the main reasons that the EQ test has come into fashion. IQ tests can only calculate linguistic, logical, and spatial intelligence, while the EQ test includes intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence.

But can IQ and EQ tests really cover all of the brain's forms of intelligence?

The problem is most likely that whenever we want to use a yardstick or standard to judge intelligence, at some point it will always fall short.

Since the birth of neuro-science in the 19th century, a number of physiologists have attempted to find a skeleton key to understanding the connection between the brain and mind, whether through studying the brain's weight, its structure, or inherited genes. Up to this point, however, there has been no way to answer any of these profound mysteries. Scientists know, however, that there are roughly ten billion neurons - the basic units that control the brain's functions-whose endings form a huge number of synaptic links to receive information from all directions. This type of structure, like a massive modem, demonstrates that the brain has a kind of plasticity, and in a complex, rich environment, a diversity of stimuli and learning will all reinforce connections between neurons. This is to say, then, that appropriate training can strengthen the brain's functions.

Since every person has a creative, unique brain, the limits to which we can push the brain's potential depend entirely on how we activate and stimulate it.

E Q (Emotional intelligence)
IQ refers to intelligence. EQ, on the other hand, refers to “emotional intelligence”, a term that two researchers, Salovey and Mayer, coined as recently as 1990.

The good news is that EQ can be learned. We all know that many emotions come with pain, others with pleasure. What most of us do not realize is that we have both authority and choice over these emotions. Feelings or emotions depend on many factors. Some are genetically determined, but most of them are largely taught. All emotions are normal and there are no such things as “right” and “wrong” emotions. But there certainly are “destructive” and “constructive” emotions, and their effects are obvious.

Mood is important to all of us – a good mood make us think and feel better. It makes us more optimistic, more creative, more tolerant, more loving and it improves the quality of our interpersonal relationships. It also improves our level of commitment, resolve and focus in life.

The numerous negative emotions like excessive worrying, fear, sorrow and anger have the opposite effect and has the tendency to engulf us to such a degree that we become totally self absorbed, egocentric and unaware of others, their feelings and the numerous pleasures that life has to offer. We lose focus of our purpose and role in life.

The popularity of IQ and EQ tests may not have receded, but these standards are already showing signs of transformation. In discussions on education it is now popular to talk about creativity and innovation.

What are “emotions” ?
Daniel Goleman tells us that the word “emotion” comes from the Latin word, “motere” plus the prefix “e”, implying “to move away”. Emotions are nothing more than impulses or stimuli to act. Emotions are automatic, implying that they are engrained into our subconscious minds. We do not need to think before we act. This feat enables us to jump out of the way of a speeding car or dive into a pool to save a drowning child. These dramatic events take place within a split second. Extreme emotions like love or fear are easy to identify. Many other emotions are “mixed” and belong somewhere “in between”. They are complex and therefore difficult to recognise. Some may last for minutes, others may linger for weeks.

Emotions are crucial survival instincts that we have inherited from the dinosaurs. With anger, we release adrenalin into our systems. This increases our heart rate, bringing more oxygen and energy to our bodies. We focus more clearly, our hands clench tightly, ready to grasp a weapon and to attack. With fear, our minds stop thinking and blood rushes to our leg muscles in preparation for running.

Happiness has an opposite effect. The brain inhibits most negative feelings such as worry, fear and pessimism. As with anger, we also become more energised. This new energy stimulates us into readiness and enthusiasm, creating the ambition to strive for greater goals. Love takes this to the limit with empathy, compassion, calmness and contentment.

Surprise makes us raise our eyebrows, widening our gaze and preparing our brains to receive and process more information. Disgust makes us raise our upper lip and wrinkle our noses, almost as though a dinosaur smelt something disgusting. Sadness prepares us to adjust for loss. Our energy diminishes, our enthusiasm dwindles and we prepare for a period of quiet introspection.

All animals experience a degree of the above emotions. The only difference with the human mind is that we have a higher, more developed capability to think about them.
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