May Day |
Day is celebrated in many countries in many
dates and in many contexts. May Day festivals
probably stem from the rites practiced in honour
of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. Warmth
and fertility, green grass, blooming trees and
a profusion of flowers — the coming of
spring signals an annual rejuvenation of nature,
which is celebrated as May Day. It is celebrated
as a festival for children marking the reappearance
of flowers during the spring. It is traditionally
greeted with dancing around a garlanded and
beribboned pole, called a maypole, from which
hang streamers held by the dancers.
The most popular May Day celebration is International
Workers' Day, and is called Labour Day.
It was especially significant in the Soviet
Union and other Communist countries when the
May Day parade of armored tanks, rockets, and
military personnel saluting the nations' leaders,
was a much-publicized feature. |
is the commemoration of the social and economic
achievements of the labour movement. The date
May 1st is used because in 1884 the Federation
of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, inspired
by Labor's 1872 success in Canada, demanded
an eight-hour workday in the United States,
to come in effect as of May 1, 1886. This resulted
in the general strike and the U.S. Haymarket
Riot of 1886, but eventually also in the official
sanction of the eight-hour workday.
Though the International Workers' Day is an
international holiday in many countries around
the world, the English-speaking countries such
as the United States and the United Kingdom
are not celebrating it as others do. In most
of the world, except in the US, Labor Day is
celebrated on the 1st of May in remembrance
of the 1886 Haymarket Riot. The adoption of
May Day around this time by socialists and communists
as their primary holiday cements official resistance
to this ex-pression of the day in the US. |
Australia, and New Zealand also celebrate Labour
Day on different dates.
The Roman Catholic Church added another Saint
Joseph's Day in 1955 that Christianized 1 May
as the day of "Saint Joseph, the Worker".
Euro Mayday
Euro Mayday has become part of the celebration
of the First of May, aiming to update the political
content of the traditional May Day. The point
of reference of Euro Mayday is not the industrial
working class, but rather the multitude of increasingly
precarious existence of new jobs/ posts.
Euro Mayday aims to create and visibly opposition
against precarious existence of labour and life.
Euro Mayday was originated in Milan, Italy,
and it first spread to Barcelona in2004 and
then to all over Europe .In 2006, even more
cities are taking part in Euro Mayday.
In 2005, the Euro Mayday network used the slogan
“ precarious of the world let us strike
for open radical Europe.” |
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